Our sets/kits contain the essential products to get started in the different areas of bookbinding. Toolkits contain all the tools necessary to try out common types of binding such as a standard hardcover binding or Coptic binding. Our marbling starter kit allows you to be creative and get started with paper marbling.
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Notebook for self-binding
Cover material [11] : Ora 008-indigo blue, Ora 012-red, Ora 018-black, Ora 026-pink, Regency Earth 505-pink, Regency Earth 510-light grey, Regency Earth 573-olive green, Regency Earth 574-blue, Englisch Buckram 520-orange, Englisch Buckram 548-blue, Englisch Buckram Metallic 6650-silver
Variants from
anti-rust (chrome steel)
In stock, deliverable at short notice
from €52.56*
to €63.32*
complete with 15 tools
In stock, deliverable at short notice
from €90.45*
to €99.00*
for the most common binding methods
In stock, deliverable at short notice